Kami membantu peserta untuk tampil dengan lebih berani dan percaya diri. Peserta akan belajar mengelola materi, struktur dan cara penyampaian untuk memaksimalkan dampak presentasi.
Program ini akan memperlancar transisi menjadi supervisor. Anda akan berlatih kiat-kiat membangun hubungan yang positif, mengelola waktu, memecahkan masalah, mengambil keputusan & mendelegasikan tugas
Improve Effectiveness for Individuals and Teams
The program is ideal for new leaders who need to transition successfully from individual contributors to leaders of others.
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue gives people the skills to step into disagreement—rather than over or around it—and turn disagreement into dialogue for improved relationships and results
This course empowers managers with the skills needed to lead and enhance customer experience strategies. Participants will learn to understand customer needs, map the customer journey, and implement
Mastering AI-Powered Presentation Skills is a dynamic course designed to help professionals leverage AI tools to enhance their presentation abilities. Participants will learn how to use AI to create
Through a human-centered, iterative approach, learners will master techniques for empathizing with users, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. Designed for professionals seeking
Mastering Influence & Effective Communication with DISC course is designed to equip participants with the skills and insights needed to navigate the complexities of human interaction. By blending theoretical foundations with practical applications, this program ensures that learners not only understand the DISC model but also apply it effectively in various contexts, fostering continuous improvement and adaptability in their communication and influencing abilities
Microsoft Power BI workshop equips participants with essential skills in data analysis and reporting. Power BI tools for importing, transforming, and visualizing data from diverse sources. The workshop covers advanced visualization techniques, such as implementing custom visuals and leveraging the DAX language for tailored calculations.
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