
Referral Policyicon

Please read this Referral Policy carefully before you start using our application, because these rules apply to your use of our application.

Effective from : 23 August 2024

When Referrer (“you”, “your”, “yours”) sign up to become a Referrer to Talentvis Academy (“Talentvis”, “we”, “us”, “our”, “ours”), you agree to abide by this policy ("Policy"). This Policy covers details about the aspects of our Platform (“Talentvis Academy”) relevant to you and is incorporated by reference into our Terms and Conditions, the general terms that govern your use of our Platform. Any capitalized terms that aren't defined in this Policy is defined as specified in the Terms and Conditions.

1.      Definition

1.1  “Referral Program” is a collaborative relationship between Talentvis and Referrer designed to promote training course available on the Talentvis platform held by Training Partner.

1.2  “Referrer” is the party that engages with Talentvis for the referral program to refer the training courses listed on the Platform.

1.3  “Referee” is The individual or entity that is being referred to the training programs on the T Academy Platform.

1.4  “Training Partner” is a party that actively collaborates with us to provide training programs and has demonstrated competence and expertise in the training material.

1.5  “Platform” is https://talentvisacademy.com/ site that provides training courses for the participants.


2.      Referrer Obligations

All Referrers participating in the Referral Program are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism. The Referrer acknowledge and agrees to:

2.1  Provide accurate and truthful information about the referred party;

2.2  Follow all guidelines and procedures outlined in the agreements including but not limited to the terms and conditions, privacy policy, and this referral policy;

2.3  Ensure that all referrals are made in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

3.      Tax

Any rewards or incentives provided under this referral program may be subject to tax. It is the responsibility of the parties to report and pay taxes according to any applicable laws and regulations, as such laws and regulations may be amended from time to time.


4.      Conduct and Ethical Standards

Conduct and Ethical Standards Referrers involved in the Referral Program are expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct, ethics, and professionalism. Referrers must:

4.1  Refrain from soliciting or attempting to solicit our Clients, Participants, or Training Partners during the Referral Program and for a period of 12 months following its termination;

4.2  Act with integrity, honesty, and fairness in all interactions related to the Referral Program;

4.3  Avoid any actions that could manipulate, deceive, or otherwise unfairly benefit from the Referral Program;

4.4  Ensure that all referrals and promotional activities comply with our policies and all applicable laws and regulations;

4.5  Acknowledge that any attempt to breach these standards or engage in unethical behavior will result in immediate disqualification from the Referral Program and forfeiture of any earned benefits.

5.      Logo Usage

While the Referrer is engaged with us, you are subject to the following requirements:

5.1  Authorized Use of Trademarks (Logo)

5.1.1 The Referrer is permitted to use our logo or the partner’s logo only when explicitly authorized to do so.

5.1.2 Any use of the logo must adhere to the written consent provided by each party, including designated images and required captions.

5.1.3 Each party must provide written notification to the other party of all captions intended for use alongside the logo at least 7 days prior to their use.

5.1.4 The logo may only be used in connection with the promotion and sale of content submitted on our platform.


5.2  Restrictions on Trademark and Logo Usage         

5.2.1 The Referrer is prohibited from using the logo in a misleading or disparaging manner.

5.2.2 The use of the logo must not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or approval of the other party’s services or content.

5.2.3 The use of the logo must comply with all applicable laws and must not be associated with obscene, indecent, or unlawful content.


5.3  Terms of Use

5.3.1   The Referrer may use the logo solely for the purpose of promoting and selling content submitted to our platform.

5.3.2   The Referrer guarantees that permission has been granted by us, to use the logo and is given a non-sublicensable, worldwide, non-transferable, non-exclusive, and royalty-free right to use it. The Referrer are also prohibited from registering the logo or any related trademark under the Referrer’s name.


5.4  Revocation and Indemnification

5.4.1    We may revoke the consent to use the logo at any time.

5.4.2   Any claims or lawsuits related to improper logo usage will be the responsibility of the Referrer.

5.4.3   The Referrer agrees to indemnify us against any claims, demands, or lawsuits from third parties related to the logo, including legal expenses.


6.      Intellectual Property Protection

The Referrer acknowledges that all training materials, content, logos, and other intellectual property provided by us are the exclusive property of us and/or Training Partner. The Referrer is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use such intellectual property solely for the purpose of promoting and referring our services in accordance with this Policy. The Referrer agrees not to reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works from the intellectual property without prior written consent from us. Upon termination of the engagement, all rights to use the intellectual property shall immediately cease, and the Referrer shall return or destroy any materials containing such intellectual property. Any unauthorized use of our intellectual property will be subject to legal action.

7.      Non-Disclosure

“Confidential Information” includes all non-public, confidential, or proprietary information which may be in written, oral, electronic, visual or other form, relating to and disclosed on or after the Effective Date by the Disclosing Party or any of the Disclosing Party's affiliates to the Receiving Party or any of the Receiving Party’s affiliates, or by any employee, officer, director, partner, shareholder, agent, attorney, accountant, or advisor (collectively “Representatives”), in each case whether or not marked, designated, or otherwise identified as confidential or proprietary.

All Confidential Information regarding this referral program, including referral strategies, incentives, and rewards, must be kept confidential. Partners are prohibited from disclosing any such information to third parties without our prior written consent.


8.      Non-Solicitation, Non-Competition, and Non-Circumvention

The Referrer agrees that, during the term of the engagement with us and for a period of 3 months thereafter, the Referrer will not: (a) solicit or accept business from any client or customer of us with whom the Referrer had contact during the term of this Agreement; (b) engage in or assist any business that competes with us in Talentvis Academy products and/or services; and (c) bypass, avoid, or circumvent us in any transactions or dealings with any client, partner, or contact introduced by us. Any such action is prohibited without the prior written consent of us. The Referrer further agrees to indemnify us for any claims arising from violations of this provision.


9.      Compliance

Referrer must comply with the applicable laws and regulations while participating in the referral program. This includes, but not limited to, data protection law, intellectual property law, and any industry-specific regulations.

10.  Termination (Exit strategy and dissolution process)

10.1 Upon the termination of the referral program, Referrer must cease use of our logo and any promotional materials related to the referral program;

10.2 Any confidential information obtained during the program shall be returned or destroyed;

10.3 Any outstanding obligations or commitments arising from the program shall be fulfilled by the respective parties. This includes any pending payments, delivery of services, an/or other contractual duties.

11.  Changes to this Referral Policy

Any changes that we make to our Referral Policy will be published through this page and, if needed and/or there are material changes, we will notify you via electronic mail. Please revisit this page from time to time to see any updates or changes to our Referral Policy.

12.  Contact Us

If you have questions regarding this Referral Policy, please contact us at hello@talentvisacademy.com