This 2-day course teaches basic counseling skills to help you better support friends, family or colleagues facing challenges. It's also a great starting point for a counseling career.
This 2-day workshop teaches you how to use generative AI tools like ChatGPT & Dall-E 2 to create content, images, & marketing strategies. Bring a laptop to participate in hands-on exercises.
This course teaches how to lead & manage change in your organization to stay competitive. It goes beyond theory to equip you with practical strategies for a changing business world.pen_spark
This course uses Sun Tzu's Art of War strategies to teach you how to win in business. Learn from a successful entrepreneur to overcome challenges, future-proof your company, and achieve sustainable su
This workshop teaches leaders how to use storytelling to connect with their teams & customers. Learn to craft narratives that inspire, motivate, and build trust for better communication & collaboratio
Analytical thinking is using logic to solve problems, gather information, and make good decisions. It's a valuable skill for work and life in general, allowing you to be proactive and avoid impulsive
Improve Effectiveness for Individuals and Teams
Pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan berbasis output yang konten pelatihannya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan olah dan analisis data menggunakan fungsi advanced dari Ms. Excel yang jarang digunakan oleh kalangan umum.
Pelatihan kompetensi pengelolaan administrasi dasar untuk tim manajemen SDM di perusahaan. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta mampu mengelola kebutuhan administrasi mendasar di perusahaan terkait distsibusi pekerjaan, pengupahan, jaminan sosial, dan rekaman kebijakan manajemen SDM. Pelatihan dilakukan daring atau luring (optional) .
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Direktorat Jenderal Binalavotas Kemnaker RI
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