What you will be learning on this 1-day Stakeholder Engagement Define What Stakeholder Engagement is and Utilize the Five-Step Approach How to easily identify all of your key stakeholders and mapped
Kami membantu peserta untuk tampil dengan lebih berani dan percaya diri. Peserta akan belajar mengelola materi, struktur dan cara penyampaian untuk memaksimalkan dampak presentasi.
Program ini akan memperlancar transisi menjadi supervisor. Anda akan berlatih kiat-kiat membangun hubungan yang positif, mengelola waktu, memecahkan masalah, mengambil keputusan & mendelegasikan tugas
This program will equip you with a strong foundation of great leadership. You will learn the essential mindset and skillset to make the transition from individual contributor to supervisor/manager.
Join this course to fulfil your true potential and accelerate success in all areas of your life with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) &
Success = Value + People + Process
This 1 Day hands-on practical course will also teach you to recognize signs of stress and how you can cope with stress
Earn a Mental Wellness Coach certificate in this 2-day course. Learn to support mental health with interventions for anxiety and depression. Ideal for those aspiring to become Well-being practitioners
Transition to a team leader with our 1-day workshop. Learn essential leadership skills like active listening and team cohesion. Practical tips for effective management and continuous growth
แนวทางการพัฒนา : Result-based Goals (Managerial Skills)
Discover the pillars of Product Management on Product Strategy, Influencing People and Product Execution through our latest intensive course.
Discover the pillars of Product Management on Product Strategy, Influencing People and Product Execution through our latest intensive course.
This one-day course helps to educate and prepare yourself and your team to prevent and address such occurrences in your organization. Learn how to create an inclusive HR policy that embraces diversity and inclusivity. Develop the skills to handle workplace harassment professionally. This workshop will also discuss issues pertaining to sexual harassment at the workplace. Participants will be given case studies to discuss and there will be simulation exercises throughout the workshops
Throughout this engaging workshop, learners will dive into the fascinating world of communication and collaboration, exploring key concepts, practical techniques, and hands-on exercises using the LEGO
Throughout this engaging workshop, learners will dive into the fascinating world of communication and collaboration, exploring key concepts, practical techniques, and hands-on exercises using the LEGO
You will be equipped with the skills to establish customer rapport and effectively respond to escalated service challenges and service opportunities, so as to develop customer relationships that build customer loyalty and confidence in the organization – essentially to turn customer complaints into your organization’s opportunities!
In this 1 day practical workshop, you will learn how to manage yourself and others better when faced with negative people or situations at work.
This 1-day hands-on practical course will introduce some of the major theories of personality to better explain behaviors across a range of situations. The workshop will explain research methods in personality theories and how empirical studies have been used to test the theories. This course is for anyone wanting to achieve greater insight into psychology and where personality comes from. A theoretical look into personality traits, situations and behavior can allow you to apply knowledge in your personal and workplace environment.
Welcome to a transformative course designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in this intricate task. Constructive feedback, when administered correctly, empowers management to address behaviours, nurturing productive employees. Join this course to master the delicate art of feedback delivery and foster growth within your organisation.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to identify skill requirements and facilitate their learning opportunities to improve performance. They will also learn how to use 6 steps coaching of team leaders to help them develop their skills and gain confidence.
Want to give impactful presentations? This 2-day workshop teaches you to design slides that grab attention and lead to action.
Frustrated by angry customers? This 1-day workshop equips you with communication skills & tactics to handle difficult callers & turn complaints into opportunities.
More managers & executives are now covered by the Employment Act. Businesses must update employee handbooks to comply with these changes. These handbooks benefit both employers & employees by outlining expectations, rights, and responsibilities
More managers & executives are now covered by the Employment Act. Businesses must update employee handbooks to comply with these changes. These handbooks benefit both employers & employees by outlining expectations, rights, and responsibilities
COVID has caused stress & anxiety for many professionals. This workshop teaches emotional resilience using NLP to help you cope with challenges & bounce back in the changing business world.
This highly effective workshop will take you through a step-by-step SOP writing process. You can also use a work-based case study to write an SOP and then receive peer and trainer feedback instantly. You will also pick up skills and tips to avoid common writing errors and to write convincingly to sell their ideas.
Psycho-Geometrics groups people into personality types (square, rectangle, circle, triangle). This 1-day course teaches you to use this system to improve communication & influence in the workplace.
This 1-day workshop teaches you to use ChatGPT & other AI tools to improve communication skills for work or personal use. You'll learn hands-on & practice integrating AI into your daily communication.
Learn to use PivotTables to organize, analyze & summarize large datasets in Excel. This 1-day course covers creating PivotTables, calculations, charts & more. No prior knowledge needed!
Feeling overwhelmed by worry? This workshop teaches techniques to manage stress & negative emotions, transforming you from a worrier to a warrior with a calmer mindset.
This Power BI course will provide you with a comprehensive yet practical understanding of the entire analytics value chain, with a particular emphasis on data visualisation. You'll study the principles of data modeling and visualisation and expose yourself to step-by-step demonstration creating various visualisations with Microsoft's Power BI. By the end of this Power BI course, you will be able to develop visualisations and dashboards in Power BI with sheer confidence and boost your data analysis skills and data analytics portfolio.
By the end of the workshop, you will gain valuable insights on how your brain works and how to optimize it for improved learning and thinking. You will also have gained practical strategies and tools that you can apply immediately to your personal or professional lives; and have a plan for continued growth and development in this area.
This highly valuable and interactive workshop is a good starting point for you to discover NLP and enhance your influencing skills.
The course is specially designed so that the participants appreciate the complexities of the law of employment which is a difficult and layered subject encompassing a diverse number of aspects. There
The course is specially designed so that the participants appreciate the complexities of the law of employment which is a difficult and layered subject encompassing a diverse number of aspects. There
This course is designed to equip learners with a deeper understanding of the role of fun, games, and laughter in enhancing mental well-being and building resilience. They will be equipped with practic
This course is designed to equip learners with a deeper understanding of the role of fun, games, and laughter in enhancing mental well-being and building resilience. They will be equipped with practic
Polished documents create a good first impression & boost professionalism. This 1-day MS Word course teaches formatting, templates & hidden features to craft impressive business documents.
This workshop teaches how to overcome negative beliefs & self-doubt to build unshakeable confidence in your personal & professional life. Learn science-backed strategies to achieve your goals & become
Multi-generational workplaces can be a strength if managed well. This course teaches strategies for understanding different generations & promoting communication & collaboration to boost productivity.
Multi-generational workplaces can be a strength if managed well. This course teaches strategies for understanding different generations & promoting communication & collaboration to boost productivity.
This course is designed to help you overcome pronunciation challenges and speak English confidently in various situations like meetings, presentations, and phone calls. It's ideal for non-native speak
This course is designed to help you overcome pronunciation challenges and speak English confidently in various situations like meetings, presentations, and phone calls. It's ideal for non-native speak
The goal of this one-day course is to give senior managers in any industry the tools they need to learn how to effectively handle conflict and multitask.
Produktivitas Pribadi Yang Efektif akan membantu Anda dalam empat bidang penting:
Menjadi terorganisir dan sangat efektif dalam bidang tanggung jawab Anda sehari-hari.
Persuasive writing is a valuable skill for everyone. This workshop teaches you to craft clear, compelling writing that influences readers & gets results, whether it's a proposal, email, or marketing c
Great managers can also be leaders. This 1-day course teaches the skills to transition from management to leadership, focusing on inspiring & developing your team's potential.
This 2-day workshop teaches VBA programming to automate repetitive tasks in Excel. Learn to write macros & leverage VBA's power to boost your Excel efficiency.
This 2-day course teaches you to create clear & informative data visualizations using Excel. Learn how to present data insights effectively through storytelling techniques. Bring a laptop with Excel p
This 2-day course teaches basic counseling skills to help you better support friends, family or colleagues facing challenges. It's also a great starting point for a counseling career.
This 2-day course teaches basic counseling skills to help you better support friends, family or colleagues facing challenges. It's also a great starting point for a counseling career.
This 2-day workshop teaches you how to use generative AI tools like ChatGPT & Dall-E 2 to create content, images, & marketing strategies. Bring a laptop to participate in hands-on exercises.
This course teaches how to lead & manage change in your organization to stay competitive. It goes beyond theory to equip you with practical strategies for a changing business world.pen_spark
This course uses Sun Tzu's Art of War strategies to teach you how to win in business. Learn from a successful entrepreneur to overcome challenges, future-proof your company, and achieve sustainable su
This workshop teaches leaders how to use storytelling to connect with their teams & customers. Learn to craft narratives that inspire, motivate, and build trust for better communication & collaboratio
Analytical thinking is using logic to solve problems, gather information, and make good decisions. It's a valuable skill for work and life in general, allowing you to be proactive and avoid impulsive
Improve Effectiveness for Individuals and Teams
Pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan berbasis output yang konten pelatihannya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan olah dan analisis data menggunakan fungsi advanced dari Ms. Excel yang jarang digunakan oleh kalangan umum.
Pelatihan kompetensi pengelolaan administrasi dasar untuk tim manajemen SDM di perusahaan. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta mampu mengelola kebutuhan administrasi mendasar di perusahaan terkait distsibusi pekerjaan, pengupahan, jaminan sosial, dan rekaman kebijakan manajemen SDM. Pelatihan dilakukan daring atau luring (optional) .
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Direktorat Jenderal Binalavotas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan kompetensi pendampingan (supervisi) untuk para coach bisnis, baik dari kalangan praktisi bisnis maupun akademisi dan birokrat.
Pelatihan kompetensi operator pemasaran di perusahaan, baik perusahaan skala kecil maupun besar.
Pelatihan kompetensi pemasaran dengan menggunakan tools website dan media sosial. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta mampu memasarkan suatu produk secara sistematis, strategis, praktis, dan terevaluasi dengan baik menggunakan tools website dan media sosial. Pelatihan dilakukan online atau offline.
Pelatihan kompetensi supervisi untuk tim manajamen SDM di perusahaan memberikan peserta pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang peran Supervisor SDM dan memberikan keterampilan praktis untuk mengelola tim
Pelatihan kompetensi manajerial SDM di perusahaan secara komperehensif. Pelatihan ini mempelajari peran dan tanggung jawab seorang Manajer SDM dalam mengelola tenaga kerja secara efektif. Pelatihan in
Pelatihan kompetensi pengelolaan supply chain (rantai pasok) dalam berbagai sektor industry secara komprehensif.
Pelatihan kompetensi mengolah gambar dan video menjadi produk video yang proper untuk dipublish.
Pelatihan kompetensi membuat website untuk kebutuhan portfolio maupun display produk.
Pelatihan kompetensi dasar desain grafis untuk memproduksi produk desain umum (poster, spanduk, konten media sosial)
Pelatihan pemahaman dan aplikasi Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Pelatihan kompetensi metodologi pelatihan kualifikasi 3 berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Dirjen Binalavotas Kemnaker
Pelatihan kompetensi metodologi pelatihan kualifikasi 3 berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Dirjen Binalavotas Kemnaker
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur master berdasarkan ketentuan SKKNI, KKNI, dan SK Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur master berdasarkan ketentuan SKKNI, KKNI, dan SK Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur master berdasarkan ketentuan SKKNI, KKNI, dan SK Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
This 7 hours course will improve your understanding of stress and its effects on mental and physical health.
Pelatihan Audit Sistem Manajemen Mutu LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam melakukan audit terhadap sistem manajemen mutu LSP.
An agile is a very empowering process that helps companies design and build the right product. It helps them analyze and improve their product throughout its development.
Project Economy, Project Management is a rapidly growing profession.
The introduction of Business analysis reflects the concepts and theories of analysis activities in business fields. You will discover what the business analysis is and the importance of that area in today's global enterprise world.
Dalam training ini para peserta akan mempelajari Procurement & Purchasing Management secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai diskusi & studi kasus berdasarkan best practices terkini. Setelah mengikuti training ini para peserta akan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat langsung diterapkan saat bekerja.
Dalam training ini para peserta akan mempelajari Procurement & Purchasing Management secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai diskusi & studi kasus berdasarkan best practices terkini. Setelah mengikuti training ini para peserta akan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat langsung diterapkan saat bekerja.
Dalam training ini para peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Vendor Management / Supplier Relationship Management secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
Dalam training ini para peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Vendor Management / Supplier Relationship Management secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
เจ้าหน้าที่บุคคล หัวหน้างาน ผู้จัดการฝ่ายทรัพยากรบุคคล จำเป็นต้องมีความรู้พื้นฐานกฎหมายแรงงานไทยต้องเข้าใจเจตนารมณ์ของกฎหมายและข้อกำหนดตามกฎหมายอย่างถูกต้องชัดเจนและรู้แนวทางการป้องกันกับปัญหาการฟ้อง
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari Metode Penyusunan Spesifikasi & Harga Perkiraan Sendiri / Owner Estimate (HPS/OE) secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari Metode Penyusunan Spesifikasi & Harga Perkiraan Sendiri / Owner Estimate (HPS/OE) secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari Metode Penyusunan Spesifikasi & Harga Perkiraan Sendiri / Owner Estimate (HPS/OE) secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari Metode Penyusunan Spesifikasi & Harga Perkiraan Sendiri / Owner Estimate (HPS/OE) secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari Metode Penyusunan Spesifikasi & Harga Perkiraan Sendiri / Owner Estimate (HPS/OE) secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
About the PMI-PBA Certification Business analysis is a topic of growing importance to projects and programs. The marketplace reflects this importance, as practitioners increasingly embrace business
Create a great team, build them, encourage them and get perfect results. Leadership is an ART!
Dalam training ini para peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Vendor Management / Supplier Relationship Management secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
Dalam training ini para peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Vendor Management / Supplier Relationship Management secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Procurement Contract Management secara menyeluruh mulai dari; standarisasi draft kontrak, analisa lampiran kontrak, klausula tambahan yang muncul dari proses negosiasi dengan calon vendor, klausula yang lemah & multi tafsir, potensi dispute, konflik, hingga penyelesaian sengketa dengan vendor, dimana pada setiap sesinya akan disertai studi kasus nyata berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini peserta akan memiliki kemampuan strategi, analisa, & problem solving yang dapat diterapkan.
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Procurement Contract Management secara menyeluruh mulai dari; standarisasi draft kontrak, analisa lampiran kontrak, klausula tambahan yang muncul dari proses negosiasi dengan calon vendor, klausula yang lemah & multi tafsir, potensi dispute, konflik, hingga penyelesaian sengketa dengan vendor, dimana pada setiap sesinya akan disertai studi kasus nyata berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini peserta akan memiliki kemampuan strategi, analisa, & problem solving yang dapat diterapkan.
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Procurement Contract Management secara menyeluruh mulai dari; standarisasi draft kontrak, analisa lampiran kontrak, klausula tambahan yang muncul dari proses negosiasi dengan calon vendor, klausula yang lemah & multi tafsir, potensi dispute, konflik, hingga penyelesaian sengketa dengan vendor, dimana pada setiap sesinya akan disertai studi kasus nyata berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini peserta akan memiliki kemampuan strategi, analisa, & problem solving yang dapat diterapkan.
Dalam training ini peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Procurement Contract Management secara menyeluruh mulai dari; standarisasi draft kontrak, analisa lampiran kontrak, klausula tambahan yang muncul dari proses negosiasi dengan calon vendor, klausula yang lemah & multi tafsir, potensi dispute, konflik, hingga penyelesaian sengketa dengan vendor, dimana pada setiap sesinya akan disertai studi kasus nyata berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini peserta akan memiliki kemampuan strategi, analisa, & problem solving yang dapat diterapkan.
Dalam training selama 2 (dua) hari ini para peserta akan mempelajari konsep & implementasi Supply Chain Sustainability - Environment, Social, & Governance (ESG) secara menyeluruh, di mana dalam setiap sesi pembahasan disertai discussion sharing & case study berdasarkan aplikasi konsep & best practices terkini. Sehingga setelah mengikuti training ini, para peserta diharapkan memiliki knowledge & applied skills yang dapat diterapkan dalam keseharian tugas/pekerjaan.
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